How to Make 2021 Better

Dominika Regéciová
4 min readDec 28, 2020


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

This year was difficult for most of us. I got lucky in many ways, but I cannot tell it was easy. I was in isolation for almost a full year, only seeing my closest family. To keep up with all the changes in work, my life, and the world in general, I have made a couple of changes in my everyday life.

During this time, I found several methods to make life easier, more sustainable, and even enjoyable. After I have tested them for several weeks or months, I would like to share them with you.

We cannot control what is happening in the world, but we can focus on our lives. And I genuinely believe that when we are caring for ourselves, we can care for others. If we have enough energy, we can give it to other people. To our friends, family.

All my tips do not require much time, they are mostly without additional cost, and they are designed to bring you more energy, calm, and even happiness to your life. I will be delighted if you give them a chance.

Move your body every day (at least a little bit)

Yes, you heard me right. Get up from the chair or couch and move a little bit. Even just for a few moments, in the rhythm of your favorite song, stretch for a minute.

My tip for the great start of the year: Yoga with Adriene.

Every January, Adriene creates the 30 Days of Yoga challenge, ideal for everyone, even for beginners. I exercise with Adriene every morning, and I promise you she (and her cute dog Benji) would melt your heart from the second you give her a chance.

And it will also relieve your neck pain. Namaste.

Prioritize your sleep

Our life is sometimes very stressful. We deal with tons of work, deadlines, projects, personal problems. The loop is endless. But our energy is not. The best way, how to charge our batteries is to have a good night’s sleep. I am the first to admit that this is not easy. I struggled with insomnia for a long time, and even now, I sometimes have bad nights when I cannot sleep well or at all.

But I am working on changes that can provide me a better sleep. I reduced the caffeine in the afternoon. I exercise, working on a schedule for going to bed and waking up around the same time. And I am listening to the science about sleep with audiobook Why We Sleep by doctor Matthew Walker.

My sleep is still not ideal, but it is better. And next year, I will work on getting it even better. How about you?

Do something you love every day

This may sound trivial, but I bet most of you do not spend at least a few moments of the day doing something we truly want. Because we are busy, tired, or both. We are planning to do these things in the future, one day, for sure.

Make yourself a service and start today.

Just for 10 minutes, or 5, or even for 1. Just start.

I started to play on the piano every day — even 1-minute counts. And I am so glad I did. Because now I have a habit that I really like. And I can play music for my family, as I always wished.

Study happiness

What makes people happy? Money? Nice things? Mariage? If you could learn about something in these challenging times, why not about happiness?

When I came across the course The Science of Well-Being by doctor Laurie Santos, it caught my interest. I finished the course in no time, and now I am enjoying her podcast The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos, which provides more detailed information and additional stories.

The main message can be surprising to you — we are awful at estimating what makes us happy. So spoiler alert — money will not make you happy in the long run. At least not if you have enough to put food on the table and have a roof over your head. Neither things, promotion, nor marriage.

But did you know that giving money to others makes you happy? Or talking to strangers on the street, on the bus? Or that gratitude journals, meditation, or yoga really work?

I cannot recommend this topic more, and I believe everyone can increase their happiness when knowing what really can make a difference.

Read books every day

If you are reading this post, you probably already have a habit of reading. But are you reading books, or just blog posts and news?

For those who are fighting anxiety when reading about the pandemic, I would like to give you a tip for some books that I found much more relaxing; all of them are full of great information and tips on how to make your life better in general:

Click and Feed

Click and Feed Project is a very nice way how to help shelters in the Czech Republic. You can visit their site every day and click to fill a virtual bowl. Every month the main sponsor Brit and people from the organization will bring the real food to the rescued animals. You can also donate. 100% of all donations is distributed among the shelters.

Of course, these are just examples of what you can do to make the next year a better one. For self, for others.

Do you have any tips that helped you? I would appreciate it if you could share it with others in the comments section.

I wish you a good year in 2021.


