D&I is for everyone, for real

Dominika Regéciová
6 min readAug 30, 2022


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

This month, I talked to my colleagues about diversity and inclusion in our team and company.

My manager asked me to present practical examples of how diversity and inclusion benefit all of us. It is essential to learn more about D&I, even if we think we are generally good people who treat others respectfully.

To be honest, it was quite a challenge for me. As a woman in IT and an enthusiastic person about D&I topics in general, I have some ideas right away from the top of my mind. But to formulate them comprehensively and correctly and present them under one hour? That was quite a task to do. In the end, I decided to base my presentation on questions directly from my colleagues and include my own experience along the way, as a woman but also as a human that is trying to learn about the world so I can behave better.

I hope I was quite successful at delivering my thought. Now, I would like to share with you my key points of the presentation as well as some thoughts on the feedback I received:

What even is D&I, and what are the main goals? Why should we care about D&I in the workspace?

It may be hard to admit it, but our society is far from fair. Injustice, racism, and discrimination are not things of the past; they are still strongly present, embodied in the system. People are treated differently based on their skin color, gender, age, and many other aspects they can not often control.

The first big step for everyone is to accept that our society is deeply flawed and often teaches us harmful beliefs about others.

We may not be directly affected (at least at this moment of our lives), but that does not mean the problem is not there. You can ignore it or even be dismissive. However, it does not change the reality for many people worldwide.

Even in the workplace, we are not protected from the unfair nature of our society. On the surface, we can have a friendly, informal environment, but we still need to ensure this is true for everyone. We must fight the stereotypical norms, learn how to celebrate differences, not punish them, and bring fair opportunities to everyone. With that, we can create a truly friendly environment where everyone can entirely focus on their work.

Why do we often discuss women when debating D&I? Isn’t it more than just gender?

Absolutely, D&I is about a lot more than discrimination against women. However, keep in mind that 50% of the population are women. We can directly and positively influence the largest group of people by improving their conditions. At Avast, as an IT company, we also deal with a lack of women in technical fields. If we want to keep up with the increasing demand for people in IT, we need more men and more women as well. However, because IT is, for now, so heavily man-centric environment, many women often face sexism and discrimination when choosing this field for their careers. Improving working conditions and the environment is essential for bringing more women in.

On the other hand, everyone can find themselves in situations where they are facing discrimination. When we become “too” old, we can have trouble finding a job because society believes we are too slow and cannot keep up with the pace. When illness or accident limits us because our environment is not built with people with disabilities in mind, and the surprisingly high number of everyday tasks requires you to be able to walk, have both hands, etc. I firmly believe that D&I is for everyone, and we all can benefit from it.

I think that discussion D&I just creates more problems. Why do we just not let it be?

If you are in a position where you can ignore problems with discrimination, racism, and sexism, you are probably a lucky person with privileges. I am not saying that your life is easy per se, but you probably do not directly face the same problems others do every day. They do not have a choice but to not deal with the discrimination because it impacts their life in every aspect. Their career, financial situation, physical and mental health, and even their own life. To have the option to not deal with it is a luxury on your side, and many people do not have it. Please, be aware of it when discussing this topic with others.

Why can we just be excellent to each other?

It would be amazing if we could just be excellent to each other and all world problems would disappear. But, as you can probably guess, it is not a reality. We, as humankind, are terrible at being nice to each other. Also, as I mentioned, many injustices are embedded in the system. They are not just simply results of one man’s wrongdoing. We must actively work towards balancing the system so everyone has the same opportunities and treatment.

I do not think I am disrespectful to others, nor am I doing something wrong. What can I do as an individual?

Be an ally. Educate yourself about your privileges and how they can impact others. And if you see injustice, be proactive. Help others to speak up when you see they are not being heard. Set a higher standard of decent behavior for self and others. And if you are a manager, be a good role model. Try to do your best and be willing to admit if you do something wrong. We are all people, but managers that are blatantly unaware of their impact on others are doing more harm than good. And be there for your people. Listen to them, and trust them if they say something is an issue for them. Help them as much as you can, support them.

I am overwhelmed by all the information about D&I. Where can I start?

I understand that it can sometimes be too much information for one person to comprehend at once. The key is that you are a human, not a machine. Everyone needs time to process these things, and no one becomes an expert on any topic in one night.

To start, I would recommend beginning with a medium you are already comfortable with. Are you watching YouTube? Try videos by John Oliver, Anna Akana, or Jessie Gender.

Do you like reading books? Try to read Why Women Are Poorer Than Men and What We Can Do About It. Or, in general, follow a few people with a good commentary on social media. Just be careful. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and if the primary purpose of posts or articles is to spread hate and fear, maybe the authors are not the best source for the D&I topic. Also, be prepared that much of what you will learn will not be comfortable, and it can be rather depressing. The truth is often harsh, but if it helps you to be more empathic towards others, it will be beneficial in the long run.

I presented the D&I topic to my colleagues at Avast

Maybe I am a bit naive, but I strongly believe that society can improve. It is not an easy goal, but also not impossible. We are moving forward even if the progress is slow. And the positive impact is seen everywhere. In the Czech Republic, for example, it is becoming more and more common for fathers to use parental leaves, as it is supported by law. Fathers are not judged for their decision to help care for their children; even companies have noticed this shift. Talking about companies, their public support for the LGBTQ+ community grows every year. Have you seen the new Avast logo in rainbow colors? I love it. And last but not least, the companies are also starting to focus on incorporating D&I principles into their workplace, resulting in more people feeling safe and comfortable in their jobs. There is so much left to do, but I am hopeful.

